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Updating SEO for your Website pages
Anjana avatar
Written by Anjana
Updated over a week ago

Google Search is the easiest way to discover websites and apps that will keep one hooked. So optimizing your website for google is the key to bringing in new users.

While Google tries to automatically understand details about your website and videos, you can explicitly provide information, such as the description, thumbnail URL, and duration,

Here is how you can optimize your website for google

Optimizing your website

  • From the Endpoints section of the left menu, select Website and then Responsive Website.

  • Head to the Basic Info Tab and Expand the Website Details section by clicking on the down arrow ▼

  • Fill in the Website name, description, and keywords.

All default static pages such as Contact Page and Privacy Policy Page will inherit the SEO information that you fill in here.

📢 Note This information is also the default SEO information until you will in the customized SEO data for the individual pages

Now that you have set the basic SEO for your website, let's optimize each of your pages.

There are two types of pages that your website can have, they are

  • Default pages - These are pages that are created by default when you sign up, such as the Home page, Show Details Page, Movie Details Page, and Video Detail page.

📢 Note: You can add SEO information for the Home page and all Custom pages, whereas the other default pages (Show Details Page, Movie Details Page, and Video Detail page) will take the SEO information from their associated metadata. More about this later in this article.

Optimizing Web pages (Home and Custom Pages)

  • From the Endpoints section of the left menu, select Website and then Responsive Website.

  • Head to the Pages Tab to see the list of pages you have created for your website.

  • Click on the ▼ down arrow symbol to the right of any page to expand the contents of the page.

  • Head to the SEO section and expand it by clicking the down arrow ▼

  • Fill in the title, description, and keywords.

  • Hit the Save button once you fill in the details.

Here are some tips on filling it



Best practice


This is the text shown in browser tabs and also the heading that appears on the google search

Optimally around 50 to 60 characters


Summarize your page.
This is the short description that appears on search engines

Make sure its somewhere between 120 to 160 characters


Tells search engines what your page is about.

Type in keywords for which you want your page to be indexed

As mentioned previously, The SEO optimization for the Video, Movie, and Show detail pages will be done dynamically based on the information you filled in for them.

Let's understand how this happens.

Search Engine Optimization for streaming service

Optimizing Metadata for SEO

While filling in the metadata for your videos or creating your shows, ensure that you fill in the right title and description.

This will make sure your default pages (other than the Home page) are optimized for search engines.

Metadata for Videos/Movies

This can be filled in either while you upload your videos or later by editing the information from the video library.

  • In the video details page scroll down to the SEO Details section

  • Fill in the details such as Title, Description, Keywords, H1 tag, Paragraph

  • Hit the Save button

Metadata for Shows

The title and description of the show pages are taken from the show information. You can edit the information by clicking the Edit Show button.

Similarly, expand the Show SEO Details section and fill in the SEO details for the show page

In addition, you will see that metadata such as duration, cast and crew, and other metadata tagged using JSON LD

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