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TVOD Coupons
Written by Selva Mani
Updated over a week ago

Just like the SVOD coupon, you can create coupons for TVOD as well and provide discounts for the users. Creating a TVOD coupon is as simple as the SVOD coupon. Follow the steps below to create a TVOD coupon.

1. From the Monetization section of the left menu Select Manage Monetization → Coupons.

2. For creating new coupons, Select Add Coupon

3. Enter the name, Coupon code, and description as they are mandatory fields. The terms and conditions section is optional.

4. Under plan type Select TVOD as mentioned in the below screenshot and select the plans that need to enable the TVOD coupon.

5. If you want to enable the coupon for all the plans, simply select the Check all TVOD plans and the coupon will be available for all the TVOD plans created.

6. Choose the coupon Type (Fixed or Percentage), and enter the Discount.

7. Add the number of times a user can avail of the coupon under Maximum Usage per User. For example, if you select enter 1 then a user can apply the coupon only once. You can also enter the number as per your wish.

8. Add the Expiration Date of the coupon until which it’s valid.

9. Create a coupon on Stripe and add the Stripe coupon ID.

10. If you want the coupon to be available for an unlimited number of users, then you can select the Unlimited under Maximum usage per coupon. Select Submit to create the coupon

11. If you want to limit the coupon limit then enter the number of times you want the coupon to be applied across the website and apps.

For example, if you want to provide a special coupon to the first 100 persons then enter 100 and the coupon usage will be limited to 100 times and the coupon becomes invalid for the 101st usage.

🙇 Learn more about the coupon limit feature

12. To check the created coupon, From the Monetization section of the left menu select Manage Monetization → Coupons; and then select Manage Coupons

13. If you can’t find your coupon, select an early date from the date filter and check again.

14. Select view coupon to check the number of times the coupon is used by your users under Coupon usage count.

How to keep track of coupon codes applied by the users under Analytics:

1. Under the Left menu, Go to Analytics -> TVOD Summary

2. On the right-hand side, you can enter the duration, Search by → By User and select the Filter button.

3. Now, you will get the complete user details with the coupon code which the users used on the selected duration under Coupon.

4. For example, in the above screenshot, FLAT 50, MIN 25, MAX 75 are the coupon code applied by the users.

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