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What is a release order?
What is a release order?

what is a relase order? and how to manage release orders?

Written by Selva Mani
Updated over a week ago

Release order is an order/purchase directed by the partner to the Ventuno platform to run a certain number of Advertisements with certain preferences. Before creating your ad campaign, you must create a Release Order or RO.

A typical RO contains RO Ref ID, Start Date, End Date, Number of Ads, RO Rate.

How to create a Release Order?

1. From the Monetization section of the left menu, select Manage Monetization > AVOD (Video Ads) > Manage Release Order.

2. Click Create New to create a new Release Order.

3. Enter the reference ID in RO ref. ID, choose the Date of RO and enter the Description.

4. Enter the Start Date and End Date of the campaign.

  • Date of RO -> Ro creation Date

  • Start Date -> Ad will start to play from this date

  • End Date -> Ad will play till the date

5. Select how you are billing the partner in RO Type.

RO Type : -> CPM, CPC, CPV

CPM -> Cost per Milli/Cost per thousand impressions. It's the amount collected for running 1000 Ad impressions. Based on this billing type, you can create an RO.

CPC -> Cost per Click. It's the amount collected for each click on the running Ads. Based on this billing type, you can create an RO.

CPV -> Cost per View. It's the amount collected for running ad completion views. Based on this billing type, you can create an RO.

Enter the No. of Impressions and Rate if you are going to choose CPM & CPC. This is to make sure you don’t over-run the campaign. If, for example, the partner has asked you to run 1M ads, you don’t want to exceed that number. The rate that you enter here is used to track your revenue in the analytics section.

RO Document -> You can upload the RO invoice copy received from the ad agency

When running CPV campaigns, every ad partner calculates a view in a different manner. For longer ads, some might even calculate it as a view when a user views it for 25%. At the same time, some might say a view is when the video is finished.

For this reason, you can decide how a view is calculated - at 25%, 50%, 75%, or when the ad is viewed from start to finish.

If you want to target ads based on frequency, you can do it under ‘User Frequency’. An example of a frequency-based campaign is when you don’t want users to view the ad more than once a day. Choose the Time period and Number of views. For the above example, you can choose the Time period is 1 day and the Number of views as 1.

User Frequency: Frequency is an Ad targeting method that can be set to limit how many times an ad can be shown to a user during a given time period.

10. Select Save RO to create the RO.

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