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Creating Sub-Users
Written by Selva Mani
Updated over a week ago

You can create different accounts for your colleagues to use Ventuno. Each account can have a different role. We call these accounts sub-users.

You can decide which features are accessible to each sub-user. For example, a person who uploads videos might not need to know the last month’s revenue.

Steps to create sub-users:

  • Expand My Profile in the left menu and then select Manage Sub Users

  • Click on the Add button

  • Enter the name of the user in the User Name.

  • Enter the Login ID in User Login and password in Password. The user will be using these credentials to log in to their account.

  • Retype the password in Confirm Password and enter the E-mail of the user.

  • In Access Rights, choose the domain (if you have multiple domains) and enable the features that you want to enable for the user you are creating

  • You can restrict certain features for the user using this option.

Finally, click Submit to create a Sub User.

🔐 The sub-user can log in to the platform using the created login credentials

What's Next?

1. Learn more about How to add content partners?

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