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MRSS Video Updation
Anjana avatar
Written by Anjana
Updated over a week ago

In our MRSS feed ingestion system, the <lastModified> value plays a crucial role in determining when data is updated. When the <lastModified> value is within the past 24 hours, it signifies that the data has been recently updated and is reflected in our CMS.

⚠️ Note: <media:id> is the unique identifier that will uniquely identify the previously ingested video and update it. The media:id should not be updated.

​<showname>My Created Show</showname>
​<playlist>My Random Playlist</playlist>
<pubDate>Thu, 19 Nov 2020 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate>​
<lastModified>Thu, 27 Apr 2023 20:27:32 GMT</lastModified>
<description>This very easy to make thicc coconut dessert will have you jiggling with joy. Or a sugar high.</description>
<keywords>recipes, food, cooking</keywords>

Here is the list of fields that will be updated when last modified data is changed

Title, Description, m3u8, mp4, thumb, approval_flag, subscription, publisheeddate, showid,

Field (with sample value)


<lastModified>Tue, 12 Dec 2023 02:25:19 +0000</lastModified>


<pubDate>Wed, 01 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>

<media:content bitrate="1372" duration="44" expression="full" framerate="23.980" height="540" lang="en" medium="video" samplingrate="64.0" type="video/hls" url="https://myvideopath/video.m3u8" width="960"/>



<media:title>“My video name</media:title>

<media:thumbnail url="https://myvideopath/vidthumb.jpg" width="1920" height="1080" type="image/jpeg"/>

<media:description>a sentence about the video</media:description>

<media:keywords>recipes, food, cooking</media:keywords>

<media:category>Regional Mexicano</media:category>


<media:show>Default Show</media:show>

<media:status state="active"/>


<media:playlist>Test, Hello</media:playlist>

Frequently asked questions

What are the fields that will get updated when the <lastModified> is within 24 hours?

The fields, title, description and keywords gets updated

What other ways are there to change details of video other than MRSS feed updation

You can update the data directly on the Ventuno CMS.

What happens when the publish date is within 24 hours but the modified date is over 24 hours?

The video will not be ingested in this case. MAke sure you change the modified data whenever you make a change to the item in the feed

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