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MRSS video upload

Learn how to migrate your existing content or to upload your content directly to the platform via MRSS feed.

Written by Selva Mani
Updated over 8 months ago

Ventuno allows you to migrate your existing content or you can upload your content directly to the platform via the MRSS feed. You need to provide the MRSS feed to ingest from Ventuno's end.

To create the MRSS feed, we have mentioned the specifications and for your better understanding, the sample MRSS feed is attached below.

MRSS specification for your reference


MRSS Specifications must-have attributes:

Media:title The title of the particular media object.

Media:description Short description describing the media object typically a sentence in length.

Media:language → Allows the primary language encapsulated in the media object

Media:keywords → Tags- Highly relevant keywords describing the media object with typically a maximum of 10 words.

Media:show It allows you to add the Show name of the respective media object.

PubdateThe media object publish date should be added here.

Media:category → Allows to set indication of the type of media content and its particular contents.

Media:content → While many of the attributes appear to be content-specific, this element can be used to publish any type of media.

Attributes: Media URL, fileSize, type, medium, duration, height, width, etc

Media:thumbnails → Allows particular images to be used as representative images for the media object. If multiple thumbnails are required for each content, add them one by one in the feed on a priority basis.

  • Thumb Format - jpg

  • Thumb ratio - [16x9], [3x4] , [4x3] & [1x1]

Media:ID → Media ID is a unique ID that needs to be given to the video content. You can add it accordingly.

Media:ismovie It allows you to filter whether the media object is movie content or not. By default, the element value will be False.

MRSS Specifications Optional attributes:

Media:contentclassification → This allows you to choose between Universal or Adult content. If you are uploading content with rating 18 and above, you need to mention them as Adult content. The remaining can be included under universal content.

Media:subscription→ Optional tag to include pricing information about a media object. Content subscription options include AVOD, Registration, SVOD, TVOD or SVOD+TVOD. You can choose any one of these subscriptions for the media.

Media:contentpartner → It allows you to add your content partner name.

Example: 123 publications.

Media:playlist It allows you to add the media object to a particular playlist. This helps you to group the videos based on certain playlist names such as What’s New, Popular videos of 2021, etc.

Media:restriction Geo targeting (By Default, all countries are allowed) → Allows restrictions to be placed on the media object on a geo basis. Relationship indicates the type of relationship that the restriction represents (allow | deny)

Example: All (or) US (or) IN, US, UK

Media:actorIt allows you to enter the actor's name

Media:actressIt allows you to enter the actress's name

Media:comedian It allows you to enter the Comedian's name

Media:director It allows you to enter the Director's name

Media:musicdirector It allows you to enter the Music Director's name

Media:movieratingIt allows you to enter the Movie rating out of 5 or 10.

Media:genreIt allows you to enter the content Genre

Media:moviereleasedateIt allows you to enter the content Release date

Media:singer It allows you to enter the Singer's name

Media:productionbanner It allows you to enter the Production banner details

Media:subtitlistIt allows you to enter the Subtitlist name

Media:iscoursevideo→ If you have lessons and courses, you can differentiate them using this section. You can mention either Yes or no under this section.

Media:subtitle It allows you to add an element for subtitle/CC link. It contains type and language attributes. There can be more than one such tag per media element, for example, one per language.

🚨Alert: The show field (<media:show>) is mandatory. And a show with the exact same name has to be created in the platform for the videos to be ingested into the show.
eg: <media:show>Yoga Class</media:show>
In this case, if a show named Yoga Class is not already created in the CMS, then the insertion will fail


1. If you have any additional meta details, please include the same in the media format as mentioned below:

Example: Media:festival → <media:festival> FESTIVAL TEXT </media:festival>

2. The attributes should not be separated by spaces or special characters.


Media:moviereleasedate→ There should be no space between the words.

How To Generate MRSS Feed

  • To generate an MRSS feed, you can use any editor tool (Notepad) and add the specifications of each video clip. To achieve this, you would need to have the details of MRSS specifications mentioned in point 1.

  • If you want to generate the MRSS feed dynamically, you would require your developers' support to achieve it.

Sample MRSS feed for your reference:

<rss xmlns:atom="" xmlns:media="" version="2.0">


<title>Ventuno MRSS Feed</title>

<pubDate>Mon, 03 Jul 2021 12:33:51 +0100</pubDate>


<pubDate>Fri, 01 Dec 2017 13:38:06 +0100</pubDate>

<media:content url="" type="application/x-mpegURL" width="1920" height="1080" duration="00:32:41"/>


<media:title>Core Strengthening Practice</media:title>

<media:description>Core Strengthening Practice</media:description>

<media:keywords>yoga, Strengthening</media:keywords>





<pubDate>Fri, 01 Dec 2017 13:38:06 +0100</pubDate>

<media:content url="" type="application/x-mpegURL" width="1920" height="1080" duration="00:32:41"/>


<media:title>Core Strengthening Practice</media:title>

<media:description>Core Strengthening Practice</media:description>

<media:keywords>yoga, Strengthening</media:keywords>



<media:credit role="producer">entity name</media:credit>

<media:show>Yoga Class</media:show>

<media:playlist>Intermediate Yoga </media:playlist>

<media:ismovie> true </media:ismovie>

<media:subTitle type="application/smil" lang="en" href="" />

<media:restriction relationship="allow" type="country">au us</media:restriction>

<pubDate>Mon, 27 Dec 2017 16:08:56 PST</pubDate>




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