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Message Widget
Written by Selva Mani
Updated over a week ago

Message widgets come in handy when you need to add a page that is text-only or has only an image and description.

You can use this widget, for example, if you are an educational content provider and you want to provide your users with a simplified explanation of a topic with a diagram or you are a cooking content provider and you want to share the recipes with your users on a separate page.

In this article, Let's discuss the steps for creating a message widget and also add them as a hyperlink to the description.

Creating a Message Widget:

1. From the left menu, Select Responsive website โ†’ Website(beta).

2. You will be taken to the website customization page.

3. Select Add page on the right of the screen.

4. Enter the page title and enable the Header and buttons as per your requirement.

5. Once this is done, press the Save button.

6. As you can see in the above screenshot I have created a new page named Message widget. You can use any name for your page as required.

7. Under the new page, Select Add section.

8. Now you can see a pop-up, and from the drop-down select the Message widget option as shown in the below screenshot.

9. Enter your section title.

10. Under Content you can enter the text you want to add and also edit them as required.

11. Marked portions of the below screenshot are explained below.

  • 1 - Paragraph: you can be able to add more than 1 paragraph in the widget and also can add empty spaces between each paragraph to differentiate them better.

  • 2 - Using this, you can make the text Bold, Italics, Align them to Left, Center, or right, Change them into a bullet or numbered list, and also Intend them to left or right.

  • 3 - Using the image icon, You can add images to this widget and we recommend adding them at the top of the page for better adaptability across the Website and apps.

Once you select the image icon, the below pop-up box will open. and you have 2 options.

  • General

  • Advanced

General settings:

using this option, You can add and customize the below:

  • Source- Paste the image URL here and you can change the poster by updating the URL here.

  • Image description- Add a short description for your image.

  • You can edit the dimensions as per your requirement and using the Constrain proportions option, you can maintain the aspect ratio of the original image while changing the dimensions.

  • Select Save once the above is completed.

Advanced settings:

Under Advanced settings you can provide border for your images by entering the space for Vertical, Horizontal and border.

12. Once the image is updated, you can enter the description/text you want to add to the widget.

13. Using the preview(Eye icon) you can preview the page you are creating.

14. Finally, Select Save to complete the widget creation process.

Adding the widget page as hyperlink:

Once the page is created, you can add the link of the page to the video description.

Follow the steps in the hyperlink article for more details.

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