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Responsive Website Creation

Your guide to setup a streaming site

Anjana avatar
Written by Anjana
Updated over a week ago

A website acts as a base to your OTT platform, as it can be accessed with any internet-enabled device. Moreover, a website increases your visibility in search engines.

Creating a responsive website is a crucial step in building your OTT platform. The layouts have to be easy to navigate and the colors should reflect your brand.

Ventuno, lets you build your website the way you want it. You can choose color themes and customize them, design your navigation menus, and much more. Now let's get started.

To create a website,

From the Apps section of the left menu, select Responsive Website and click on Website from the Left Menu.

Your journey to create a website has just begun

Theme Selection

This section allows you to define the look and feel of your website. You can choose a theme from our collection and use it the way it is or customize it with the colors of your choice.

Basic Information

In this section, you will fill in information about your website, This is broadly categorized as Website Details, Color Customization, and Asset Details

Website Details

You will have to fill in website metadata such as a name, a description, and keywords. This will improve your search engine visibility.

  • Website Name
    The domain name you choose for your website is critical to its success. It can be hard to switch domain names later without hurting your brand or search rankings.
    πŸ’‘ Some tips for choosing a perfect website name

    • Use keywords - but keep the name short, simple, and catchy

    • Choose a name that is unique and brandable

    • Avoid hyphens and double letters eg: toysshop or toys-shop

  • Website Description
    The website description appears nowhere on your website. It is the information that gets displayed on search engines when your viewers are looking for you.
    So think about something that informs your viewers about your website. Keep it inviting – after all that is the purpose of this section

  • Keywords

Think about words and phrases that people will search for to find amazing content like yours.

jjkkkjokrds, you will have to come up with phrases that you would type in google to watch videos that are available on your website. For example, watch popular TV shows, Watch live football matches

Every theme is a pre-set collection of colors and designs. You might like the design of a theme but not its colors.

In this case, choose a theme and customize it with the colors of your brand. Color schemes are used to add style and appeal to your website and are built into it.

✨ Did you know that Red is the primary color that catches the human eye fastest? Well, what’s the color of Netflix and Youtube logos?!

This is the section where you upload your logo. A logo is more than just a picture. It is the foundation of your brand's visual identity. Your logo must be eye-catching and represent your uniqueness.

Image Type

Recommended Format

Recommended Size






1:1 (640:640)

Site Image



πŸ“š Suggested Read

πŸ™‹ Frequently asked questions

  • What is a favicon?
    Favicons are small images that appear next to everything that identifies it on a browser. It makes your website stand out at the bookmarks tab, pinned tabs, browsing history, and search bars.

  • What is a site image?

A site image is an image that features while sharing your website on social platforms. This image will represent you on various social platforms when your viewers are trying to spread the word. Choose it wisely.


This is the most important section for your video business. You have invited visitors to your website with the right keywords and description – now it's time for you to showcase your best content.

The content section enables you to select the shows and playlists that will be available on your website.

Under the Content Tab, you will find two sections (viz, Select Shows and Select Playlist). After adding shows and playlists hit the Save button.

Adding and Removing Shows

To expand the Select Shows section, click on the down arrow to the right of it.

You will see the list of created shows on the left pane.

  • To add a show, click on it (from the left pane) and hit the single arrow button

The show will move to the right pane. This denotes that you have selected the show.

  • To add all shows, click on the double arrow button above the left pane.

You will notice that all the shows have moved to the right (selected) pane.

  • To unselect or remove a show, click on the single arrow on the right pane

  • Clicking on the double arrow on the right pane will remove (unselect) all the shows.

Add all shows

Add selected (highlighted) show

Remove selected show

Remove all shows

Adding and Removing Playlists

You can also curate playlists for your viewers to watch your videos uninterrupted with no or minimal interaction. This will make them spend more time on your website.

You can remove and add playlists the same way you add or remove shows.


The pages come with certain presets based on the theme you have selected. You can customize based on your requirements

This section allows you to customize your web pages. It allows you to place carousels and listings on pages.

Make sure you choose designs that will make navigation easier.

Remember, the lesser your viewers spend on navigation the more they can spend on your content.

Header and Footer

The header and footer come with certain presets based on the theme you have selected. You can customize based on your requirements

The header and footer are typically the top and bottom elements of a webpage. Apart from establishing a style, it enhances the overall user experience by making navigation easier.

A header is the first thing your potential subscriber sees when they visit your website. So give careful thought to the links you are placing there.

The footer of your website is just as crucial as the header since it is the final opportunity to capture your potential subscriber’s attention and persuade them to keep visiting you or subscribe to your service. You could add social media links or signup links to make sure they return.

Choosing Layouts

You just have to choose one of the predefined header or footer layouts. You could see a wireframe representation of them before you choose one

Enabling and Disabling Link Options

You can take complete control of deciding what links appears in the header and footer. There are options for all possible links and you just have to enable (to add) or disable (to not add/ remove) them.



Build Website

Finally, you have designed your website. Now it's time to let the world know you.

Test Build

The Test build option lets you preview your website before taking it live. This allows you to preview changes (when you edit your existing website) before going live.

Live Build

Takes your website online. In case you are building live after edits, we recommend previewing with the rest build before hitting the live build button.

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