Add subtitles to your video

be truly global!

Written by Selva Mani
Updated over a week ago

Subtitles are useful when you want to reach a wider audience.

You can add subtitles in multiple languages to your video. We support subtitles in 2 formats - VTT and SRT.

After you have added the subtitles, viewers will be able to choose the subtitle language on the video player.

Steps for adding subtitles to your video:

1. From the Content section of the left menu, select Organize > Video Library.

2. Click Add Subtitles next to the video to which you want to add your subtitles.

3. Click on the dropdown 'Select Language' to select the language of the subtitle., and click ‘Choose File’ to upload the subtitle file.

4. Click Submit to complete the process.

To remove a subtitle,

1. From the Content section of the left menu, select Organize > Video Library.

2. Click Edit Subtitles next to the video to which you want to remove your subtitles.

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