Step 1: Log in to Firebase and Select Your Project
Go to the Firebase Console.
Log in with your credentials.
In the dashboard, select the project for which you want to view push notification reports.
Step 2: Access the Messaging Section
On the left-side menu, find and click on Messaging.
This section contains all settings and tools related to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
Step 3: Open the FCM Reporting Dashboard
In the Messaging section, look for and click on View FCM reporting dashboard.
This will open the FCM reporting area, where you can monitor the performance of your push notifications.
Step 4: Navigate to the Reports Tab
At the top of the FCM reporting dashboard, click on the Reports tab.
This tab provides detailed analytics, including delivery rates, open rates, and other key metrics for your push notifications.
That's it! You now have access to your push notification reports and can track the performance of your messaging campaigns.