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How to monitor your app performance?
How to monitor your app performance?

app performance

Anjana avatar
Written by Anjana
Updated over a week ago

Android Mobile and Android TV App

Your app's installs, uninstalls, ratings, revenue, and crashes can be reviewed on several pages in Play Console.

  • Dashboard page: Overview of key metrics, trends, notifications, and insights

  • Statistics page: Customizable, detailed reports with key metrics and dimensions displayed in two tabs:

    • App statistics: Absolute data for your app which you can use to track performance

    • Compare to peers: Relative performance data which has been normalized for scale, so you can compare with peer groups

Dashboard page

To view your app's dashboard:

  1. Open Play Console and select an app. (Mobile App or TV app)

  2. On the left menu, click Dashboard. You'll see different sections with cards that show your app's recent performance data and key insights by set time periods. You can change the time period on the dropdown.

    • Near the top right of each section, you can click the expand and collapse icons to see more information about what matters most to you.

    • The sections have links next to their titles that’ll take you to relevant detailed reports.

Statistics Page

  • Open Play Console and go to the Statistics page.

  • To view your app's absolute performance, remain in the App statistics tab (the default tab).

  • To view normalized metrics and benchmarks, select the Compare to Peers tab.

  • At the top-right of your screen, select the date range you want to view.
    💡 To compare data from two date ranges, move the "Compare" switch to the right until it turns blue, and then select a second date range.

  • In the “Configure report” section, select the metric you want to view using the blue down arrow.
    ⚠️ NoteNote: Some metrics have tertiary options. For example, you can configure User acquisitions to show new users, returning users, or all users.

  • Define how the metric is calculated and displayed (your chosen metric will determine what options are available to you
    💡Use Event type to specify what you want to calculate:

    • All events: Every instance of an event, such as every time your app is installed.

    • Unique: The number of unique users or devices that experience an event, such as the number of unique devices that install your app.

      • Note: Unique is only available for acquisition and churn metrics when you select weekly or longer intervals.

Amazon Fire TV App

The reporting experience in the Amazon Developer Console provides sales, earnings, and payments reports

Here is a simple tutorial on how to view the various metrics for your apps.

Apple App Store Analytics (iOS and Apple TV)

In the Apple Appstore Connect dashboard head to the Trends tab.

Here you can find data on user engagement and marketing campaigns with metrics such as App Store Impressions, Product Page Views, Sales, Sessions, Deletions, and more.

Roku App

In the Developer Dashboard go to Manage My Channels and choose View Analytics for the channel you want to analyze.

Here you will see metrics such as

  • Channel Engagement - installs, visits and streaming data for all channels

  • Channel Health - BrightScript crashes and buffering data for all channels

  • Audience Insights - compositional data related to the demographics and psychographics of your channel's install base

  • Viewership Summary - small selection of channel engagement and channel health data

  • Video Statistics - content title level data for Direct Publisher channels

  • Transaction - records all in-channel transactions for SVOD or TVOD channels, such as product purchases, free trial initiations, and returns

  • Sales Activity - displays daily transaction revenue totals by channel, product, and currency within a window of up to one month

  • Payout Audit - assists with reconciliation between channel revenue activity and payouts received from Roku

All dashboards contain a FILTERS section where you can select the channel data to be displayed, such as specifying a particular Time Period. You cannot add new filters but you can set some filters to "null" or "blank" to include all available data.

This is how the filter section will look

roku815px - analytics-3-filter
  • Time Period - Sets the data sample period for the entire report. Changing this filter changes measurements for the entire report. By default, Time Period is set to "8 days ago for 7 days" in most reports to include the most recent 7 complete day period; the most recent day is always an incomplete day.

  • Time Grain - Changing this filter changes the values of metrics with a time dimensions, such as visitors or viewers. The "day" Time Grain equates to a daily aggregate measurement, "week" to a weekly aggregate and "month" to a monthly aggregate. Any conflicts between Time Grain and Time Period (e.g. a Time Grain longer than the Time Period specified) will prevent data from displaying correctly.

  • Channel Store Code - Identifies the code for a market, usually a country code, where your channel can legally be distributed (i.e. made available for download to a Roku device). More than one code is allowed. Leave Channel Store Code blank to include all markets where your channel is currently published or enter one or more codes to display only data on specific markets.

  • Device Type - Available in the Channel Health dashboard, this filters data to specific types of Roku devices.

  • Title - Available in the Video Statistics dashboard, this filters data to specific content titles in your channel.

⚠️ Note: A mismatch in filters can also return uninterpretable results, such as would be the case if you set the Time Period to be shorter than the Time Grain (e.g. a one-week Time Period and month Time Grain).

Here is an example of how the reports will look

roku815px - analytics-2-filter-section

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