What are code snippets?
Some tools can be inserted into your website as a JavaScript snippet. A typical example is the chatbot that you see at the bottom of this page.
This bot was integrated into our website with a script provided by the chat vendor.
You can integrate any such tool into your website by simply pasting the code provided by your vendor (service provider).
Here is how you do it
From the Apps section of the left menu, select Responsive Website and then select Code Snippet
Then click on the Create New Snippet button.
You will see the Create snippet page
Fill in
Template Name: a name for your snippet
Code Provider: Select a code provider (type chatbot, social handles, store, etc.)
Code Insert: Select where it has to be integrated (head or body)
ℹ️ Head Snippets are integrated into the head section of all pages.Body Snippets are typically integrated into the body section of a single page
Code: Paste the code provided by your vendor
Status: Set status (Active for the snippet to actively work on your website, Inactive to disable it)
Finally, click on the Submit button
To edit an existing Code snippet
From the Endpoints section of the left menu, select Responsive Website > Code Snippet
Click on the Edit button in the Action column.
Finding code snippet integrations
If you have multiple integrations and want to edit or disable a particular code you can filter it out by
Date range (when it was added to your website)
By name
Adding the snippet to your website
Once you have added a code snippet, select the snippet in the Integrations section of the Footer menu customization to make sure it is added to your website
🚨. Your code will not appear on the website if it is not integrated into the footer menu.